Tel: 01563 524014
99 Titchfield Street, Kilmarnock, Scotland KA1 1QY

Swimming Lesson FAQ

Q:  I am new to the area and I am interested in learning to swim.

A: Complete an application to be enrolled onto our waiting list and we will contact you prior to the next course commencing. (Spaces permitting)

Q: What if I am new to the area and I have participated in lessons before?

A: Telephone reception and leave your name on the assessment list.  We will contact you prior to the enrolment to arrange a swim assessment. 

Q: What if I have been participating in your lesson programme but I have missed 1 course due to holidays etc?

A: If you have missed 1 course e.g. course 2, you may enrol for course 3 on the last week of course 2.  If you miss 2 or more courses you must put your name on the waiting list and we will contact you prior to the next course commencing. (Spaces permitting)

Q: When are the re-enrolment forms distributed?

A: On the 2nd last week of the present course at the end of the lesson.

Q: What if I am on holiday when the re-enrolment forms are being distributed?

A: If you are unable to uplift your re-enrolment form due to holiday/illness etc. The teacher will leave it at reception.  It is up to you to uplift and complete the form.    

Alternatively telephone reception and a member of staff will provide you with the necessary information and complete the re-enrolment form for you.

Q: Can I collect my re-enrolment form before the day and time of my class?

A: No. Re-enrolment forms cannot be uplifted prior to the stated week (i.e. 2nd last week of lessons) as they are with our Administration Department up until this point.                           

Q: When do the re-enrolment forms have to be returned by?

A: They must be returned to reception no later than 7.00pm on the Sunday of the second last week of the present course.

Q: What happens if I don’t get my 1st or 2nd choice?

A: We will contact you by telephone on the Sunday night of the 2nd last week if your 1st & 2nd choice is unavailable and offer you an alternative.

Q: When do I make payment for the next course?

A: Payments can only be made on the last week of the lessons from 7.00am on the Monday morning until 6.00pm on the Friday evening.  Payment can be made in person at reception or by telephone using a Credit/Debit Card.  If you are unable to connect to reception (e.g. during busy periods) please dial extension 209 and leave your name and telephone number with the Duty Manager.  We will call you back at our earliest convenience.

Q:  Why can’t I make payment as I return my re-enrolment form?

A: The re-enrolment process is not completed until Sunday evening of the 2nd last week and in addition as we have so many forms being returned at the one time this would create congestion at reception. However, you are free to submit a cheque when you submit your re-enrolment form. Please note that this does not guarantee a space in your class of choice.

Q: What if I miss the payment deadline?

A: If your booking is not paid by 6.00pm on the Friday evening of the last week of the present course it will be deleted and made available for re-sale.

Q: When do I receive my achievement badge?

A: When you are progressing to the next stage.

Q: If I miss more than 1 course of lessons do I have to be re-assessed or do I return to the class I was last in?

A: In most cases you will return to the class you left but if you feel you would prefer to be re-assessed please inform the receptionist as you leave your name on the waiting list.

Q: I am 3, 4, 5 years of age.  What class should I enrol for?

A: Age 3 & 4 - Stanley 1-2; Age 5 - Stanley 3-4

Q: Why have I not been moved up a class?

A: You must meet the agreed criteria for your present class before progressing to the next stage.

Q: Can I stay in the same class if I don’t feel I am ready to move up?

A: If the instructor recommends you progress to the next stage you must do so.  To remain in the present class and have met the necessary criteria will only restrict your future progress.

Q: Why must I pay admission fees when I have already paid for a course of lessons?

A: Admission fees are applicable to all non-members and cover the entrance fee to the Centre. We recommend Admission Memberships to all regular users of the Centre as this saves money during the course of the year.

Q: What if I am on holiday when payment is due?

A: 1: Ask a friend to make payment for you on the due dates.

    2: Telephone reception on the due dates with your Credit/Debit card details.

    3: Post a cheque made payable to The Galleon Centre for the correct amount to arrive on or before the due dates. (Don’t forget to include name, address, date of birth & class requested).

Q: What refunds are available should my child not complete the course or be unable to attend some sessions?

A: Only under very extenuating circumstances (i.e. injury or illness) and upon receipt of verification from your G.P will refunds be offered.  The reasons for this are as follows:

1: No children are allowed to join the course once it has started, bringing a new child in can create difficulties for the Instructor and more importantly for the other children in the class.

2: There is quite a substantial waiting list for lessons and, by signing up for a course then withdrawing results in another child being excluded from the course.

3: All calculations are based on courses being at full capacity to be financially viable.

However due to the very nature of Private Lessons i.e. one to one tuition, lessons cannot be cancelled or re scheduled once the block of 5 is booked and paid. When the block is booked, instructor hours are agreed for the 5 week duration, so any absences due to illness or short notice holidays etc cannot be refunded.

Q: What if my child is unable to settle in at lessons?

A: It is not unusual, especially amongst children attending entry level lessons for the first time for them to feel nervous, apprehensive or scared. Our teachers are used to dealing with this and will always try to encourage any child.

Q: It’s my first time at lessons and the class appears unorganised?

A: Especially in classes with youngsters at entry level, it is often the first time they have participated in a structured group activity, 30 minutes is a long time to concentrate and it can take kids and the class a couple of sessions to find its rhythm.

Q: Why has my child been asked to sit out?

A: If a child becomes disruptive during a class, a teacher may give them a “time out” for a few moments.  Lessons should be fun but misbehaviour/failure to take instruction can lead to disruption for other pupils. This is a temporary measure and is not a major issue.  If we do have any lasting concerns with regards to behaviour we will speak to parents.

Q: Does the same teacher take the same class for the full block?

A: We always strive for consistency with teachers, however like any other Part Time Employee, they will be entitled to periods of leave. In these circumstances we will endeavour to provide qualified cover. If for any other reason a teachers availability changes, again we will work towards providing a new teacher, however this can result in teacher changes over the short term.













